MSc thesis project proposal

[2025] A MUT-based Sparse Ultrasound Transducer Array for 3D Imaging

Project outside the university


Ultrasound imaging is based on transmission of an acoustic pulse and coherent detection of the returning echo signals using an array of ultrasound transducer elements. To make 3D images, a 2D array of such elements is required. Conventionally, such an array is a rectangular matrix of elements placed at a fixed pitch equal to the acoustic wavelength (or even less), readily implying that thousands of elements are required. The complexity and power consumption that come with this high element count make it very difficult to implement 3D imaging in small probes or in battery-powered devices.


In this project, we will explore the use of a sparse arrays, in which far fewer elements are used that are placed in an irregular pattern at much higher pitch. We will explore the trade-offs that come with using fewer elements, and will investigate implementing a sparse array using a MEMS-based transducer technology, with the option of including co-integrated readout electronics. The goal is to design and measure a prototype using a foundry MEMS technology.

This project will be a collaboration with SonoSilicon, a TU Delft spin-off company developing chip technology for ultrasound applications. You will work as an intern at SonoSilicon’s Delft office, as well as at the Electronic Instrumentation Lab for experimental work.


MSc students from Microelectronics or Biomedical Engineering. Familiarity with ultrasound, medical imaging and finite-element simulation is preferred.

Interested students should send their CV, the list of courses attended, and a motivation letter.

Contact Michiel Pertijs

Electronic Instrumentation Group

Department of Microelectronics

Last modified: 2025-02-07